Meet Goose from Berlin, NH

I adopted Goose from CAHS in September of 2020. He was just 6 months old at the time. He was found roaming the streets in Puerto Rico. The day before he arrived to CAHS, I had to say goodbye to my childhood dog. I was heartbroken from saying goodbye to my 13 year old Pit Bull. Goose and his wildly goofy smile greeted me the next morning at the shelter. I instantly fell in love, and knew he was mine. He is one of my seven dogs, and gives my pack a much needed daily dose of shenanigans. He has so much personality for such a little dog. Spending each day with him and giving him the home he deserves is beyond rewarding. There is something very special about adopting a Puerto Rico street dog! Thank you CAHS for saving Goose and mending my broken heart.

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